Homes on wheels

After the summer we have just had, I suspect the great British staycation could soon become extinct. But if you are made of stern stuff, or merely want to upgrade from a tent, you may be interested in buying this month's Which Motorhome. The UK's number one magazine for motorhome testing has just conducted its biggest ever test of Volkswagen campers and announced that the Bilbo Celex LWB is the overall winner.

Which Motorhome's highly experienced team tested 12 campers, all based on the current shape Volkswagen T5, featuring the classic side kitchen layout with an elevating roof. The campers tested included Volkswagen's own California, while the remainder were from all the UK's leading manufacturers: the Bilbo's Komba SE 35, Bilbo's Celex LWB, Bebb Sport Lifestyle, Rolling Homes, Jerba Cromarty, Danbury Surf, VWKC Komet, VWKC Karisma, Concept Multi-Car Trio Style, Leisuredrive Crusader and Hillside Birchover.

Showing all the experience gained in Bilbo's 35 years of not just building but actually using Volkswagen campervans, the Celex is light and spacious, and above all practical in use. From the drawers in the galley where others use cupboards to Bilbo's own easy-to-use bed system and elevating roof, the Celex LWB was simply the best thought through camper tested, as well as one of the best built.

    See also:

    Diesel engines and gearboxes
    * The maximum power corresponds to the type approved value on a test bed, under the conditions defined in European legislation (directive 1999/99/CE). ...

    Seat backrest angle
    Push the control rearwards. ...

    Lower the tailgate using the interior grab handle. If necessary, press down on the tailgate to fully close it. If the tailgate is not closed correctly: - when the engine is running , this w ...